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In today’s digital landscape, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to connect with their target audience. One of the most effective ways to do this is to use location-based website customization to engage customers and boost conversions. 

According to recent reports, geotargeted content and ads have a 40% higher click-through rate than standard messages.

This is where a platform like Geo Targetly comes in. 

Used by multi-regional brands like Colgate, Panasonic, and Asus, Geo Targetly is a cutting-edge location-based platform that promises to revolutionize how companies reach and engage with customers. 

Read the rest of this Geo Targetly review as we dive deep into the software’s features, ease of use, pricing, and real-world performance to determine if it’s the ultimate solution for location-based marketing.

Geo Targetly Summary

geo targetly logo

9.6 out of 10

Ron’s Thoughts

If you’ve ever wanted to personalize your customer reach so it’s fully based on locations, then look no further than Geo Targetly. This location-based platforms helps users deliver highly targeted content to users, thus improving overall customer engagement. On top of that, having the ability to reach customers at the right place and time with personalized messaging is a big plus. Overall, Geo Targetly is an excellent choice.

  • Biggest Pro:

    Highly Targeted Content

  • Biggest Con:

    Steep Learning Curve

  • Annual Discount:

    Yes - Up to 20% Off

  • Price:


  • Promotion:

    14-Day Free Trial is Available

Is Geo Targetly Worth it?

The all-in-one geo-targeting platform is worth it for any business that wants to enhance visitor experience, increase audience trust, and skyrocket conversions. 

It helps you adapt the content of your website based on the user’s geographic location to offer a more personalized and relevant experience by displaying location-specific information. 

You can use it in your business to stand out from the competition and deliver personalized experiences to customers based on proximity. This makes them feel “local” and helps increase trust, leading to higher conversions and revenue. 

In essence, geo-targeting is ideal for any business that can effectively leverage location data to improve marketing ROI, and customer engagement and drive measurable business results.

Who is Geo Targetly Good For?

Geo Targetly is a location data and technology platform with powerful geo-targeting capabilities that allow businesses to deliver highly personalized and contextually relevant content to users based on their precise geographic location. 

It’s an effective marketing tool for any business, big or small, that can benefit from focusing its promotions on specific geographic areas aligned with its products, services, or physical presence.

The software is beneficial for businesses that:

  • Have locally relevant products/services: Companies selling products or services pertinent to specific regions can ensure their messaging reaches the right local audiences.
  • Need to comply with geographic regulations: Some businesses have to follow geographic restrictions on advertising certain products (e.g. alcohol, cannabis) and can use geo-targeting accordingly.
  • Want to showcase regional products: E-commerce businesses can use the Geo links feature to route their traffic to regional-specific websites by creating short URLs with built-in geo redirection capabilities for seamless navigation.

Geo Targetly Functionality

1. Ease of Use

One of the platform’s biggest selling points is how simple it is to inject it into the user site. It’s similar to using Google Analytics, but with a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of customizing and managing location-based websites. 

With intuitive dashboards and step-by-step wizards, even those with limited coding knowledge or technical expertise can quickly grasp the platform’s features to customize their website for different audiences via redirection or content changes. 

Defining target areas and customizing website content is straightforward, ensuring a seamless experience. 

Even maximizing website conversions by geo-targeting your audience can be done with a few clicks. You’ll be able to easily deploy location-based website redirects, content, smart links, popups, and more in minutes (more on that below). 

Additionally, Geo Targetly’s integration capabilities with other platforms minimize the need for complex configurations. Integrate your site with CMS (WordPress, Shopify, etc.) through plug-ins with just a few clicks. 

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a small business owner, Geo Targetly’s ease of use ensures that you can harness the power of geo-targeting without unnecessary complications, allowing you to focus on providing a seamless experience for local website users. 

2. Advanced Location Segmentation

With Geo Targetly, you can leverage visitor geolocation data like country, state, and city for advanced customizations on your website. 

Direct your existing traffic to the right content by including or excluding cities, states, and countries, and even go deeper with latitude-longitude-radius zones and IP addresses. 

The IP geolocation feature truly sets this software vendor apart.

You can also automate form filling, center maps, and many other processes using accurate location insights.

The Geo-Location and Geo JavaScript tools are essential features for multi-location or multi-lingual businesses with multiple website variants or location-specific pages or landing pages on their site. 

One provides you with the data on your audience and the other lets you run location-specific JS scripts to redirect your visitors to location-specific pages. 

You’ll be able to show your audience only location-relevant content using a variety of different methods, including:  

  • Geo Redirection: You can redirect your website visitors to specific pages or sites depending on their location. 
  • Geo Blocking: This feature lets you block unwanted visitors to prevent them from accessing your site. 

These and other features, such as Geo Content and Geo Image help you maximize conversions by showing only relevant content to visitors.

Flexible Rule Management

You can easily add multiple rules, allowing you to target as many geolocation segments as you want. Thanks to the simple, easy-to-use dashboard, you’ll be able to edit, disable, delete, and copy rules without touching a line of code. This way, you can deliver meaningful related content without any of the hassle.

3. Powerful Customization Capabilities

In addition to advanced location segmentation, you also get an impressive suite of products to help you incorporate geo-targeted elements so you can make the most of your digital marketing efforts. 

This includes: 

  • Geo Content: This feature lets you dynamically display videos, images, text, HTML, and more based on different geo-locations. 
  • Geo Popups: With Geo Popups, you can show location-specific messages, offers, discounts, coupons, and more. 
  • Geo Bars: These are sleek announcement bars that can be displayed on your site with a geo-targeted message and/or call-to-action. 

It’s clear that this location-based marketing platform has much to offer businesses looking to better serve their existing customers. It makes it easy to focus your marketing efforts and budgets on the geographic areas most relevant to driving foot traffic and sales.

Geo Targetly Pros and Cons

Like all other location marketing platforms, Geo Targetly comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are some potential pros and cons of using Geo Targetly in your business: 


  • Highly Targeted Content: Geo Targetly allows you to deliver hyper-targeted website content and promotions to users based on their precise location, increasing the chances of engagement and conversion.
  • Improved Customer Engagement: By providing location-specific content and offers, you can enhance the customer experience and build stronger connections with your audience.
  • Competitive Advantage: Website geo-personalization software can give your business a competitive edge by allowing you to reach customers at the right place and time with personalized messaging.


  • Cost: Depending on the features and scalability required, Geo Targetly and its associated ad campaigns may be expensive for smaller businesses. However, the platform offers discounts regularly throughout the year.
  • Steep Learning Curve: Some users mention that they have trouble learning all the different functionalities of the platform. 
  • Accuracy Concerns: The accuracy of location data can be affected since GeoTargetly only uses IP geolocation which is most accurate at the country level and less precise at the city level. 

Geo Targetly Competitors

While Geo Targetly has a lot of great features to offer, it also needs to catch up in a couple of areas. If you’re considering a different location-based data technology platform, here are the top three potential competitors for Geo Targetly:

Geo Targetly vs IP2Location

Geo Targetly and IP2Location are both popular services that provide IP geolocation data for location-based targeting. 

Geo Targetly offers a comprehensive IP intelligence solution, including accurate location information, connection type, and user demographics, and supports various integration methods. 

IP2Location, on the other hand, focuses primarily on IP geolocation and offers a wide range of databases with varying accuracy levels. It provides IP location data, as well as additional information such as ISP, domain name, and time zone. 

Both services aim to help businesses enhance their location-based marketing and website customization efforts by providing reliable IP geolocation data.

Geo Targetly vs GeoFli

Geo Targetly and GeoFli have distinct focuses. Geo Targetly specializes in providing accurate IP geolocation data, user demographics, and connection type information, making it ideal for businesses that require precise location targeting. 

In contrast, GeoFli emphasizes user-friendly website personalization and conversion optimization. It provides a visual editor for creating location-specific content variations, advanced geo target options, and robust analytics. 

While Geo Targetly excels in location data accuracy and flexibility, GeoFli prioritizes ease of use and conversion-focused features for marketers looking to optimize their content based on geographical locations.

Geo Targetly vs OptinMonster

Geo Targetly and OptinMonster are both popular tools for website optimization, but they serve different primary purposes. 

Geo Targetly allows businesses to tailor their content and experiences based on a user’s location. On the other hand, OptinMonster is primarily a lead generation and conversion optimization tool. 

It offers a wide range of customizable opt-in forms, pop-ups, and targeted campaigns to help businesses grow their email lists and increase conversions. While OptinMonster does offer some geolocation targeting features, its main strengths lie in its lead capture and conversion optimization capabilities.


Geo Targetly’s pricing structure is simple. 

Plans start from just $9/month (billed yearly). For this price, you get access to a yearly quota of 12,000 page views. The Business plan, which costs $79/month, gives you up to 600,000 pageviews. 

All plans include access to the platform’s entire suite of products and features for use on unlimited domains. This includes: 

  • Country, State, and City Targeting
  • Radius Targeting
  • IP Address Targeting
  • Low Latency Global Servers
  • Segment Analytics
  • Integration Support

You can sign up for a free 14-day trial and pick a plan later. No credit card is required, and the platform’s experts are on hand to offer free onboarding support to get you started in minutes.

Product Support

Geo Targetly takes pride in providing top-notch customer support to ensure a seamless experience for its users. 

Their dedicated support team comprises knowledgeable professionals who are always ready to assist with any queries or issues you may encounter. 

Whether you need guidance on setting up campaigns, troubleshooting technical difficulties, or exploring advanced features, their responsive support staff is just a click or call away. 

You can reach support via email and chat, and the platform also offers comprehensive resources, including: 

  • Documentation
  • Guides
  • FAQs
  • Tutorials
  • Case Studies
  • Blog Posts

There’s also a vibrant community forum where users can share insights and learn from one another to get the most out of Geo Targetly’s powerful location-based marketing capabilities.


Geo Targetly offers easy one-time integrations through JavaScript code which works with any HTML website and doesn’t slow it down. 

The platform is compatible with all leading eCommerce and CMS platforms, including Shopify, Wix, Webflow, Hubspot, and ClickFunnels. 

There are many Geo Targetly reviews online that attest to the platform’s robust integration power.

As one user on Capterra stated: “I really liked how easy it was to integrate the geo redirects into our Shopify website with a single block of code. The user interface also made it simple to define our business rules with regard to how we want users to be directed around our 3 sites.

Is Geo Targetly Legit?

Geo Targetly is a legitimate and powerful location-based marketing platform that can be a game-changer for businesses looking to leverage the power of geo-targeting. 

With its robust set of features, including geo-fencing, proximity targeting, and location analytics, Geo Targetly will help you deliver highly personalized and contextually relevant content to your target audience. 

It’s worth considering for your business if you have a physical location(s), locally focused services, or are looking to drive foot traffic and increase customer engagement. 

While there are a few drawbacks, such as the potential privacy concerns, the benefits of hyper-targeted advertising and valuable location insights make Geo Targetly a worthwhile investment for your business

If you’re serious about taking your location-based marketing to the next level, I recommend giving Geo Targetly a try by signing up for a free 14-day trial today!

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