We all know that music is a universal language. It connects us, inspires us, and often, it tells stories that words alone can’t express.
If you’re a musician who’s ever wished for a platform to delve deeper into this language, to share your insights, experiences, and discoveries, a music blog could be the perfect outlet.
In this guide, I’ll take you through the essentials of how to start a music blog, making it as simple and enjoyable as creating a new melody.
I’ll also share some tips on launching and promoting your new blog to allow you to make money blogging.
Editors Note
This guide is extremely DETAILED and explains everything you need to start a music blog. I’ve been at this blogging stuff for over 8 years and have built a business making $20,000 per month, so I have a lot of helpful advice for you newbies out there.
If you get stuck or need advice, I HIGHLY recommend that you get my 100% FREE blogging course by clicking here. If that doesn’t help please contact me directly and I’ll help you out for free.
How to Start a Music Blog in 10 Steps:
If you just need someone to walk you through the process of how to start a music blog & host it quickly and easily, check out step 5.
The key to a successful music blog is to write consistently about the music topics that you’re passionate about. You need to have either a deep love and understanding of the music, or you must have a strong desire to learn, and the rest will follow.
But before we dive into the specifics, we will look at all the best reasons you should start a music blog.
Why Start a Music Blog?
There are many reasons why someone might want to start a music blog. As a music blogger, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions on different music artists, various instruments, and new music technology.
If you’re the type of person who has created their own home studio or recording studio and is absolutely enthralled with music, you’ll be able to write about something that you’re passionate about, and that alone is a good reason to start.
Not only that but starting your own blog could mean exclusive access to artists and concerts that you would never have had otherwise.
Listed below are some other reasons to start a blog:
Promote and Publicize Your Work
A music blog offers you a place to get as creative as you like, but it can also be a precious tool to help musicians promote and publicize the work they do. These days, all artists need an online presence, and your blog can help you expand your personal brand and become an influencer in the music industry.
Artists are willing to pay for the exposure they need, and while it may start with small-time artists, you might be able to help launch the next big name in music with a promotion on your blog in the future.
Build Your Resume
Writing about music is a fun and easy way to showcase your knowledge and expertise while building your resume. If you’re an aspiring DJ or Producer or have aspirations of working in the music industry, having an established blog that showcases your talents can prove to be a massive bonus.
Hone Your Writing Skills
As you continually write about music, you’ll learn more about blog writing best practices, and you’ll get to improve your craft every day. Generally speaking, writing is a universal skill, and being a good writer is valuable in nearly every professional job you can have.
Build Relationships With Your Favorite Artists
Once you begin getting noticed in the industry, you’ll have the opportunity to meet and build relationships with some of your favorite artists and record labels, tour managers, and many other people within the music industry. Furthermore, you will be able to create a community of music lovers and fans who share your interests.
Free Music Events
Starting a music blog can lead to exciting opportunities, such as getting free music and attending exclusive events (usually with VIP access).
These include live performances, club events, concerts, and music festivals. In addition to all this, as your blog presence grows, you will become an industry ‘insider’, which means you’ll get to hear the latest news, new songs, and pre-releases before everyone else.
Make Money
This is the best part about starting a music blog and becoming a music blogger. You get to make money doing something that you love so much that you’d be willing to do it for free. Whether this is a hobby, a side hustle, or a full-time career for you, the money will always follow as long as you’re providing value to your readers.
Obviously, you’ll need to learn some tricks of the trade, but don’t worry. Later in the guide, we’ll give you a lot of insight into how you can actually make money while doing this.
Does all this sound rewarding?
Good! Now let me show you how you turn your dream of becoming a successful music blogger into reality.
1. Decide on The Focus of Your Music Blog
Your first step in creating a successful music blog is to decide on the direction or focus. What will you blog about, and who will you share that with? Answering these questions will help you find your blog’s focus and choose the appropriate audience for your work.
Listed below are a few possible music blog ideas to help you get started. Use these ideas to help you decide which direction to go with your blog.
- Meaning of songs
- Info about favorite bands
- Favorite concert venues
- Music/artist news
- Local artists
- Global independent artists
- Playing certain instruments
An important question is whether your goal is to critique music you don’t like or to celebrate the music you do like. Similar to starting a movie blog, being a critic will bring your fair share of haters, it’ll also have a strong affinity with those who agree with you.
Will you focus on popular musicians or young, up-and-coming artists?
What are you going to do to make your blog unique?
It’s always a good idea to choose a focus for your blog that is aligned with your own personal interests. Since you will be doing a lot of writing, this will help ensure that you enjoy what you do and that you’re proud of the blog content you’re releasing to the public.
Plus, on the days you want to quit (trust me, there will be some), this will make sure you push through it.
Don’t Try to Be Everything to Everyone
Most people mistakenly believe that it’s better to create a general blog that caters to the interests of many different groups of people.
But in reality, it’s actually more productive to cater to one specific group that can identify with what you do. There are just too many blogs out there, and if you go general, meaning choosing all topics to start with, you’ll have a hard time finding an audience since you won’t be able to draw in readers with specific music interests.
Visitors to your own website will feel like it’s too much work to sift through everything just to find something of interest to them, and even when they do, most of your writing will be disjointed and unrelated.
But, if you decide on a specific focus for your blog, you are more likely to get targeted traffic to your site because those musicians or music lovers will know that you have exactly what they’re looking for.
For instance, you could start writing posts about your favorite artist, expand to another, and eventually write about 5-10 of your favorite artists.
You’ll likely have traffic being sent from search engines, and you can expand into the different areas mentioned above, such as concert venues or playing specific musical instruments.
Start narrow, grow broad. After launching a whole portfolio of blogs, this is one of the tactics that I’ve learned is a great way to succeed.
2. Choose Your Music Niche
Next on how to start a music blog, it’s time to define your music niche. Choosing a niche is simply deciding what your blog will be about and the audience you’re going to serve.
No music blog can ever be successful without a blogging niche. Of course, nobody really cares about a music blog, but the EDM community will care if you have a blog dedicated to EDM (electronic dance music)!
Starting a music blog requires finding your niche; you must hone in on one specific music industry genre and make that the focus of almost all your music blogging.
Here are some of the leading music blog ideas & genres that you can choose from:
- Rock
- Pop
- Country
- R&B and Soul
- Hip Hop
- Easy Listening
- Electronic/Dance
- Jazz
- Blues
- Classical and Opera
- Heavy Metal
- Reggae
- Folk
- Latin
Of course, there are other genres that you can choose from, but no matter what niche you decide to go with, make sure that it’s one where you will be able to provide real value to your audience.
Your niche should fill a void currently not offered by other music bloggers if at all possible. Doing this will make your blog unique so you can stand out from all the other music bloggers out there.
There is no Right or Wrong When Choosing Your Niche
Your blog could be about electronic music, country music, or Jazz, or it could be an educational blog focused on teaching people how to play the piano or how to start a band. It could even be about helping artists find recording studios or helping them understand how they should be marketing their music.
Any of these niches will do, and if possible, try to niche down even further to make it easier for your blog to become the go-to place for those seeking information in your area of interest.
For instance, instead of simply being a place to share your love of folk music, your blog could be a valuable resource for young female Scandinavian folk music artists (or something of that nature).
By laser-focusing on a smaller niche initially, instead of making your blog more general, you’ll also become an expert in your field, considered by your followers as a thought leader in your niche.
This can expand over time, but starting this way is crucial for your success.
Now that you’ve selected a genre and defined the goals of your own music blog, you can move on to the next step.
3. Choose Your Blogging Platform
You’ve chosen your blog’s focus, target audience, and primary music genre of interest. Your next step in how to start a music blog is to choose your blogging platform.
There are tons of options available to you in this regard. Some of them are free, and others are paid.
Free blogging platforms include Squarespace, Wix, Tumblr, and Blogger, among many others. While most beginner bloggers tend to go for the free platforms, it’s not a good idea if you want to create a successful and profitable blog.
These types of blogging sites limit your ability to customize and monetize your blog. In addition, people who find you simply won’t take you seriously because you won’t own your own domain name.
With a free option, it’ll be something unprofessional like awesomemusic.wix (dot) com. However, if you want to grow your blog and make money from it, you should choose a paid blogging platform like WordPress (dot) org.
Note that this self-hosted platform is different from the free version, WordPress (dot) com.
Why Choose Self-Hosted WordPress for Your Music Blog?
There are many reasons why WordPress is the best option for creating your blog. Choosing a self-hosted WordPress platform over the free alternatives allows you to customize your blog exactly as you want it to look.
It also allows you to use different monetizing methods to turn your blog traffic into leads and sales. But, again, these are things that you wouldn’t be able to achieve using a free blogging platform like the ones mentioned above.
Benefits of WordPress vs. Free Blogging Alternatives
- Easy for beginners to use. No coding experience is needed.
- WordPress installs in one click and is easily customizable.
- Integrates easily with thousands of WordPress plugins to extend site functionality. (Ex. Need a contact form on your website? Install a plugin and BOOM. Done.)
- It allows you flexibility for monetizing your website.
- There is a large, helpful community of users and developers.
- It’s more professional.
- Fully customizable, with no limits other than your own music blogging taste.
Here are some more WordPress statistics to show you why WordPress is a great choice:
- 37% of the internet is built on WordPress.
- 59.4% of all CMS-built websites use WordPress.
- WordPress powers 34% of the top 10,000 blogs in the world.
- Over 1.1 million domains are registered every week, thanks to WordPress.
- WordPress users produce 70.5 million posts each month.
Since you’re building a blog, it’s also important that the option you choose offers clear, visually appealing page layouts and can easily play audio and embed videos and files. WordPress offers you all of this and more.
4. Decide on Your Domain Name
The next step in the process for those wondering how to start a music blog is to choose a domain name, but you need to consider several things. For instance, what is your blog all about? What type of music will you be writing about? Finally, who are the people who will come to your site and read through your blog content?
Keep in mind the answers to these questions as you follow the steps outlined below to help you get to the perfect moniker for your blog.
A few things to keep in mind when choosing a domain name:
1. Get a .com Domain Extension
Choose a music blog name that ends in .com, as opposed to the other extensions, like .net, .org, etc. This is because .com is what people usually search for; it’s what’s most familiar and easiest to remember.
2. Leave Room for Expansion
When choosing your domain name, you should stay broad with the name to allow yourself room to expand into different areas as your blog evolves.
For instance, a blog name like ‘EDMSauce’ shows that the blog’s niche is electronic dance music without being too narrow within that topic.
3. Keep it Short and Sweet
You want a name that is brandable and easy to remember. Try to avoid long or complicated words in your blog’s name. However, you should try to make your name unique and memorable. For example, ‘ThisSongIsSick’ and ‘DancingAstronaught’ are unusual blog names that stick in your mind.
4. Use Alliteration
Alliteration is when two words in a row start with the same first letter or have a similar sound. For instance, ‘HipHopHype,’ ‘PigeonsandPlanes,’ and ‘RapRadar.’ make for a unique-sounding name that is easy to recall.
5. Get Creative
If the domain name you want is already taken, use creative means to develop an available name that is just as good. For instance, you can try using synonyms of words or even similar words that may be a little odd and unusual, which are more likely to be still available.
You can also check how fellow music bloggers have chosen their domain names.
6. Add Extra Words
If you still can’t find the right name for your blog, try to add words to the names you’ve come up with so far to see if you can find a combination that is still available. For instance, if you wanted the name ‘BluesBlog’ and it was already taken, you might try ‘TheBluesBlog’ instead.
7. Create a Concept
Before starting a music blog, come up with a concept around your blog name. This will help you brainstorm names that are aligned with the purpose of your blog. A good example of this is the music blog, PopJustice, a website that prides itself on giving pop the respect – and disrespect – that it deserves.
8. Use Name-Generating Tools
If you’re stuck, you can use domain name-generating tools, like Instant Domain Search and Lean Domain Search. Simply enter a few keywords, such as your niche, some words related to music, etc. The name-generation software will spit out dozens of different combinations for you to choose from.
9. Don’t Purchase a Domain Name
Everyone wants the perfect name for their blog, and it can be tempting to buy an expensive domain name for your blog. But this is never a good idea when you’re just starting.
Buy a standard domain name, and you can always get the name you want later, as your blog becomes more successful and profitable.
10. Do Not Get Stuck Here
Many people obsess so much about finding the perfect name for their music blog that they do not take any other steps toward getting their music blogging off the ground. Don’t let that happen to you. Spend only an hour or two on this part and then move on to the next step.
Examples of Music Blogs and Why Their Names Make Sense:
- Drowned in Sound – This name works because it’s short and easy to recall, thanks to its alliteration.
- Hip Hop Wired – This music blog’s name is related to the concept of the blog, which is to share hip hop news.
- Your EDM – This domain name is simple and specific to the music blog’s genre. It’s also straightforward to remember.
- Metal Injection – This name makes sense because this blog focuses on helping fans get their fix of heavy metal music.
- Under the Radar – This is an indie blog, and the name is a clever play on words to reflect how different and unique their offering is.
Use these ideas as inspiration to help you develop some interesting and unique options of your own. Once your blog has an identity, you can move on to the next step.
5. Buy Your Domain Name and Hosting
In addition to getting your domain name, which is the name of your blog, you also have to get a domain hosting provider. This service will store or ‘host’ all of your website’s files (images and video files) and make your blog available on the internet. You’ll pay a minimal monthly fee in return for this service.
There are many web hosting providers, but I recommend getting your hosting from Bluehost. This hosting company is affordable, reliable, and offers amazing service and customer support. Good hosting support is vital, especially when starting as a music blogger.
In this section, we look at how to purchase your domain name, sign up with a reputable hosting provider, and install WordPress on your site.
Below is a YouTube video and screenshots showing you the exact step-by-step process; choose whatever tutorial works best for you.
Step 1: If you haven’t yet, click on this link, and you’ll be brought to the WordPress Hosting page that you see below.

Step 2: Next, you’ll be brought to the hosting plan page. You could choose to get a “Plus” or “Choice Plus” plan, but that’s not a requirement.
The Startup plan is the cheapest at $2.95/month through my link vs. the normal $8.99/month.
This plan has everything you need including 50GB of webspace (plenty of room for your files), a free domain for a year, plus other standard features like a free SSL and a secure WordPress install. Feel free to browse a bit to decide on the right plan, but rest assured that Basic will work just fine if you want to minimize your investment.

Step 3: After clicking on the plan, you’ll be brought to the next page where you will type in your new domain, or you can just choose “I’ll create my domain later” if you haven’t decided on one yet. The domain is the URL people will type into a browser to view your website in the future.

Step 4: Once you submit, the next page will ask for all of your information. That will start with your account information, which is self-explanatory.

Step 5: Next, you’ll have to input your Package Information. This is to choose how long you want the plan to go. I advise you to choose 24 months to get the discount and save some money, but you can go as low as 12 months if you want.

Step 6: Next, you’ll have to choose what “Package Extras” you want. You can scroll over “More Information” to understand each of these items, but here is my advice.
I would get the “Domain Privacy + Protection.” This makes it so that no one can tie your name to the domain name you create. The only other one worth considering is “Codeguard Basic.” The other two I wouldn’t personally get. But choose what is best for you.

Step 7: The next step is Payment Information, which is self-explanatory.

Step 8: The last step of signup is to confirm that you read and understand the Bluehost Terms of Service, Cancellation Policy, and Privacy Notice. Click the check button and then click “Submit.”

Step 9: Next, you’ll be prompted to create an account and password. You’ll use this information to log in to the Bluehost platform to manage your site and account info.

Step 10: At this point, Bluehost puts you through a short questionnaire to better understand your scenario. You can answer all of these questions or click “Skip this Step” at the bottom. If you’re a newbie, I advise you to answer the questions as it’ll help your onboarding experience.

Step 11: After you’re done with that, you’ll be advised to choose a theme. For now, you can just choose to use a free theme. You can always replace the theme later if you’d like.

Step 12: You’ll be brought into the backend of WordPress in the admin panel. This is where you’ll manage your site from. You can add posts/pages as you see fit, but when you’re ready, click on the blue button that says “Launch Your Site.”

Step 13 (Final): Your blog is LIVE. Just go to a browser and type in your domain name. Once you do this, you’ll be able to access your website!

Congrats! You officially have a website.
If you’re wondering how to edit things on the website, all you have to do from here is go to your website URL with /wp-admin at the end in a browser and log in.
Example: http://mostawesomewebsiteever (dot) com/wp-admin
And don’t worry, we cover how to edit things more in the rest of this guide. So please continue reading.
6. Choose a Theme For Your Music Blog
Now that your WordPress is installed, you need to choose a theme for your WordPress music blog. A theme is what determines how your blog looks. It’s a template that makes it simple and easy for you to customize your blog to look exactly the way you want.
There are a lot of WordPress themes for you to choose from, including free and paid options. However, as with some of the best blogging platforms, free options have certain limitations.
For instance, a free WordPress blog theme doesn’t come with full customization features, and it doesn’t offer customer support in case of questions or errors.
Also, some free themes contain spammy links or malware that is likely to cause you serious problems down the road. This is (sadly) more common than you’d think.
These kinds of things will make it difficult for you to customize, grow, and monetize your WordPress music blog. You want to choose a premium WordPress theme that will allow you to create a beautiful, professional music blog.
Benefits of Paid Themes Over Free Alternatives
- User-friendly, and great for beginner bloggers.
- Extends the functionality of your website or blog.
- It comes with full customization features to make your blog stand out.
- Sleek, professional, unique, and eye-catching designs.
- Great customer service and support in case of errors (This is probably the most important)
Installing a high-quality theme will make your blog look awesome. There’s no need to hire a professional, and you don’t need any coding experience to make them work. Simply pick a predesigned look that appeals to you the most and install it on your blog in a few clicks.
Music Blog Themes to Choose From:
- Divi: If you’re looking to design a stunning website with ease, Divi from Elegant Themes stands out as arguably the best WordPress builder available today. Its intuitive visual drag-and-drop interface empowers users to craft amazing sites quickly. What sets Divi apart is its vast array of customizable modules, real-time design feedback, and a responsive editing feature that ensures your website looks impeccable on any device.
- Astra: While Divi is renowned for its versatile design capabilities, the Astra theme offers a distinct set of advantages for those prioritizing speed, performance, and seamless integration. Astra stands out for its feather-light weight, ensuring that websites load at lightning-fast speeds—a critical factor for SEO and user experience. Moreover, Astra’s deep compatibility with major page builders, including Elementor and Beaver Builder, means that users aren’t restricted to a single design environment. The theme is also built with a focus on customization as well. You can read my Astra Theme Review is you want to learn more.
- Themeforest.net: Themeforest has a significant amount of themes far beyond other platforms out there. There are over 48,000 total themes available on this platform, so you can find whatever you need.
If you’re not sure which look to go with, look at some of the music blogs in your blogging niche. The point here is not to copy them but to gain inspiration for creating a unique look for your own blog.
You can look at colors, page layouts, and various other design aspects that appeal to you for your WordPress blog. Then, try to identify trends and see what might work best to attract your target audience. For example, you can find out which theme your favorite WordPress music blog uses by visiting WPThemeDetector.com.
Listed below are some of the factors to look for when choosing a theme for your music blog:
What to Look For In a Good Theme
- Mobile responsiveness
- Speed
- Beautiful high-quality designs
- Customization features
- Customer support package
- Made by a reputable brand
- Plenty of good user ratings online
Once you have found and installed a custom theme on your blog, you can start creating the essential pages.
7. Create Essential Pages & Logo
Everything is now in place for starting a music blog- you are ready to start filling your music blog with content. But before you start blogging about music, first, you need to create your site’s essential pages.
Pages are meant for important information and other stuff that doesn’t fall into a category. Examples of essential pages include your About, Contact, and Privacy Policy pages. These pages on your music blog will very rarely have to be updated.
Here is a breakdown of the information you need to include on each page:
This is one of the most visited pages on music blogs. Your audience wants to know who you are and what you’re about. Use this page to give them that information and a bit of your background.
Explain why someone should follow your blog. Do your best to keep this part fun, and don’t be afraid to let your personality show so that your readers know exactly what to expect from your blog.
Remember that people like connecting with other people, not brands. Don’t be afraid to create an about page like my own to show people who you really are and tell your story.
The contact page of your music blog needs to contain all the relevant information so that your readers can get in touch with you. This information should be easily visible – they shouldn’t have to dig and sift through tons of content just to find your email.
Also, if you give them multiple options for contacting you, make sure that you’ll be able to monitor all of the different channels so that no question or comment goes unanswered.
Privacy Policy
A privacy policy protects your blog’s readers from potential privacy breaches. It also protects you from any legal liability. It’s undoubtedly one of the most important pages on your new music blog. It explains how you collect, use, disclose and keep your visitors information safe.
You can use free sites to get a privacy policy drafted for your music blog. You may also want to create other legal pages like Terms and Conditions and Disclosures and Disclaimers.
Check out my list of privacy policy generators for free and paid options to help.
Create a Logo
Beyond that, it’s also a good time to focus on creating a logo for your music blog. There are many different ways to do this, but I’m a big fan of using one of the industry-leading logo makers.
Make sure your logo is unique and easily recognizable; the best music bloggers are also famous for their brand image and logos so definitely check out how they’ve done it.
8. Begin Blogging
Now the fun part of starting a music blog begins – It’s time to start blogging. One of the most important steps for those wondering how to start a music blog is to choose a blogging category for your first blog post.
Each time you publish a post on your blog, you’ll have to put it in a specific category. For instance, say you cover a local music festival, you will want to publish that post under the ‘Music Festivals’ category. You may also have a separate category for Music Reviews and so on.
Then, if a blog visitor clicks on the ‘Music Festivals’ category, they will see all of the articles in that category, beginning with the most recent one. This is a great way to keep your content organized and help your readers find content related to what they’re already viewing, usually where their interests lie.
Below, I’ve listed some of the most popular categories for music blogs. Use these to get some ideas for what you can start blogging about.
Popular Music Blog Ideas & Writing Categories
- Music Reviews
- Music Festivals
- Music Genres
- Artist Mixes/Live Sets
- Club Events
- Industry News
- Playing an Instrument
- Music Venues
Choose whichever category appeals to you and get started blogging. The important part is to start creating content for your blog and make a plan to publish regularly.
How to Start a Music Review Blog
If you want to learn how to start a music review blog
To have one of the most successful music blogs as a blogger, you will also need to keep the following in mind:
Create Great Content for Music Blogs
Remember that you’re competing with countless music bloggers out there. Therefore, you need to ensure that you produce interesting, high-quality content packed with value for your readers.
The thing that differentiates popular music bloggers from all the ‘meh’ ones is that they focus on blogging about cutting-edge topics instead of rehashing what others have already said.
The bottom line, whatever topic you choose to start blogging about, make sure that you give it your own spin and infuse it with your personality. That will make your content stand out and make your music fans more likely to return for more.
Set Yourself Apart
A great way to set yourself apart is to blog about music technology. This industry is always expanding, and it changes at such a fast pace that you’ll always have some new device to write about on your blog that hasn’t already been blogged about countless times.
Using that and current events will keep your content engaging and fresh, which can set you apart from your competitors pretty quickly.
Choose Well-Planned Keywords
Your blog posts are more likely to show up for a specific search query if you include well-thought-out keywords within the content. Research the questions your audience is asking to have better audience engagement. Find out their music needs and then create content to answer those questions and satisfy those needs.
A good tool to use to do this is called Answer the Public. This lets you see what people are asking about your main keyword.
Important Note: You should ensure that you have at least ten posts written on your blog before moving to the next step. When you start promoting your music blog, you don’t want people to arrive at an underpopulated blog because that will make you look unprofessional.
9. Promoting Your Music Blog
Now that you’ve launched your blog, it’s time to share your musical passion.
Putting yourself out there can prove to be a bit intimidating, especially for first-time music bloggers. But, it’s the only way to get visitors to your blog, and it’s something that you’ll have to do (and do well) if you want your blog to be successful and popular.
In this section, we will take a look at some of the most effective ways to promote your music blogging project.
Friends and Family First
Share a link to your new music blog with your family and friends. Ask them to support you by visiting the blog, reading your posts, spreading the word to their own networks of friends, and even sharing your blog on their social media channels. Make this process easier by using some of the best social media management tools out there.. This is an easy way to get your first trickle of traffic to your blog and boost your audience engagement while sharing music from your blog.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
This is something you should already be doing. Each post you publish on your blog should be optimized for Google and other search platforms. Make sure that you follow all the content creation best practices to produce high-quality content that both search engines and readers will love.
The more people read your content, the higher it will rank, and the more visitors you will get to your blog.
Social Media Marketing
If you take the time to produce valuable content, you should be proud to show it off to the world – which makes this part a lot easier—post links to your new music blog on each of your personal social media accounts.
Try to follow other music blogs and people interested in the same niche as you, and you’ll likely gain some new readers. Each time you share engaging content on many social media channels and platforms, you’ll get some people clicking back to your blog to check out your posts.
Public Forums
Look for public forums focusing on music topics related to your own blog. If you can find a board where artists or music fans share information about the topics you blog about, then it’s likely that those people will be interested in reading your blog posts. Leave comments on the board, and ask readers to check out your blog.
Email Marketing
Once you’ve started to get traffic and seem to have a small following on social media, now is the time to email them and let them start connecting with them on a deeper level. If you don’t have a list yet, don’t worry. Building one is a lot simpler than most people make it out to be.
Once you start building your list, you can email your subscribers a link to the blog post each time you post on your blog. Over time, this will help to boost your blog traffic and bring return visitors to your blog
10. Start Making Money
If you want your blog to be more than just a hobby, you’ll need to implement some monetization strategies to turn your blog visitors into business revenue.
Whether you are looking to make a bit of side income or if you want to turn your music blog into a full-time occupation, the monetization methods listed below will help you start making an income from your music blogging project.
Affiliate Marketing
As an affiliate marketer, you get paid a commission for every product bought by a customer you recommended it to. So all you have to do is join a music affiliate network like Master Class Music Affiliate Network and get an affiliate link to a product.
When you write blog posts, you can include that link in relevant places within your post. You will get paid a commission when someone reads your post, clicks on the link, and buys something from that site.
Informational Products for Music Bloggers
Music bloggers can help other artists gain more exposure for their work by selling them courses, e-books, reports, checklists, and other information products on the online music store.
Alternatively, if you’re running an educational music blog, you can offer lessons or products that help people to play instruments better. As long as you have some knowledge or expertise to share, there are many different ways to monetize that knowledge. You just have to find a way to provide it to your audience.
Create a Webshop for Music Industry
Another way to monetize your music blog is to set up your own webshop and sell things your readers will want. This can be anything from your own books to music, band merchandise, etc. You can even sell concert tickets or offer free tickets in a contest, music production software, etc.
Google Adsense
Google Adsense and other alternative ad networks are a great way to make money from your blog visitors. By placing ads on your site, you’ll get paid for visitors who click or view your ads. This type of monetization is great because it’s straightforward to set up and requires very little maintenance – and your income grows as your music blog grows.
Sponsored Posts
You can get paid to write sponsored posts or reviews of products for other music blogs or businesses in the music industry. As long as you’re writing about something of value, this is a great way to make money doing something that will greatly benefit your readers.
Just make sure that you only write sponsored posts or product reviews within your music niche to avoid alienating your readers. Also, you don’t want to do too much of this as it can eventually get you dinged by search engines if you abuse it.
Good Luck with Your Music Blog
Learning how to start a music blog and actually doing it doesn’t have to be hard. As long as you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you will soon have your own platform for sharing your love of music.
And by implementing the monetization strategies outlined in the section above, you will be able to earn an income doing something that you love!
Before you go, here’s a list of the top music blogs out there. Feel free to review them for inspiration and study what they’re doing successfully.
I have a couple of website name ideas that are available. The names have already been taken on Instagram though. They seem to be inactive accounts with little to no followers. Is this a problem? Do I need to find something that’s also available on Insta? Although I’m active on there, i’m guessing I will shift to building Pinterest once I begin my blog So appreciate your advice. This post is exactly what I’ve been searching for!
Hey Beth! That’s great! Make sure to get my free IGNITION course to walk you through the whole process. It’ll help you start a blog from scratch. In regards to your question, I would just go for the domain you want and figure out insta later. You can always put “real” before the name or “official” after the name and you’ll be fine. 🙂
Sweet- thank you. Looking forward to the course!
I don’t see any mention of paying music licensing fees (mandatory, by the way) to BMI, ASCAP, SESAC or Sound Exchange.
Depending on what topics you focus on and if you’re embedding music, that could be a factor. But it’s not applicable to every music blog. Especially if folks just embed videos from YouTube that feature the music.
Good things
Glad you enjoyed!
I want to start my blog
Where can I get songs to upload on the blog
And is there any license needed for me to get before I start uploading songs on my blog
Hey Samuel,
Generally speaking, if you’re looking to put videos on a blog it may make sense to just use the YouTube videos and embed them on your site. That way you don’t have any legal problems. That said, my IGNITION course will help you navigate starting this all up successfully.
Sir can you help me I wanna be a music blogger
In Nigeria, I really understand the post but what’s the step to take
I want people to be downloading music on my website can you help me out sir?
My free IGNITION course likely will. You can sign up for that and go through the necessary steps.
What is the initial cost?
I’d say you can get started with a free theme for under $100 in the first year.